All our work is supported by teams of very committed and enthusiastic volunteers.
If you would like to join our volunteering team, please contact Katy Sharp to chat about our range of opportunities available.
Estate Volunteers
We have a group who regularly tackle estate development and repair tasks, and sometimes work with students.

Estate Volunteering
Weekends & Holidays
Small teams come in at weekends and take care of our animal residents.

Animal Care
Donkey Travels
Our busy donkeys travel to many places! To community days, fetes, care homes, churches especially at Christmas and Easter. Volunteers support these trips and are great ambassadors for the farm.

Supporting Animal Walks
When not involved in work with students, our donkeys and goats have busy schedules being walked by members of the public. These animal walks are always very popular and volunteer support for them is invaluable.

Corporate Social Responsibility Days
We are delighted to host CSR days and are always grateful to companies and organisations for working with us.